2007-09 scholarship girls

The first three scholarship holders completed their 12th grade schooling in summer 2009.  All three obtained higher marks in the Tawjihi exams than predicted at the start of their course and all gained higher education places: for medicine, languages and education.  One pupil achieved some of the highest exam marks in the region.

“I am so pleased with my result and I still want to study what I have always dreamt – to study medicine and to specialise in nerve surgery because I realise our society needs this specialisation and I want to help my society to be powerful and creative and to be like other developed societies.”

“….thank you so much for everything for the help in my school and for your care about me and the other students and may God give you power to complete your work in the same range and higher….”

“Dear DSMT…..I’m good and very happy because I’m successful in my final examinations.  It’s a very beautiful feel when somebody had success.  I’m starting to prepare to go to the university to be a good teacher…..thank you for all your support for us, we really appreciate your concern….”