2012-14 scholarship girls
Left to right: Batool, Rinad and Ruba were awarded a DSMT school scholarship in summer 2012 to support their education over the next two years, and have now started 11th grade.
“My favourite subjects at school are Arabic, English, Art and Sport. I like shopping, hanging out with my friends, learn new languages. I wish I finish my education successfully in order to be a famous doctor… I would like to thank you for the generous scholarship that you gave me in order to help me finish my education” Batool, 2012
“Reading stories and dancing Dabkeh are my favorite hobbies, and my favorite subject at school is the Arabic language and grammar, and I am looking forward to continue my study in college to work as an Arabic teacher in one of the Palestinian schools to make a difference for a better Palestinian kid.” Rinad, 2012
“My hobbies are swimming, reading and folklore dancing. My favorite subjects are Maths and Chemistry. I wish I could do my best for better Palestine so in the future I’d like to be a doctor because doctors can save people lives.” Ruba, 2012
Summer 2013 update
Ruba, Batoul and Rinad all completed 11th grade successfully and have progressed to 12th grade. They will take their Tawjihi exams in summer 2014.
“I am writing to thank you for encouraging me to continue my education with very successful marks. I assure you that i still have the ambition to become a doctor in order to be in a strong and impressive position. I was very pleased to meet the group that came from DSMT. …… I’d like to thank DSMT for the present that you gave to me . We hope that you liked our present which is an appriciation for DSMT support and encouragement” Yours sincerely Batool Bader
Summer 2014 update
The three girls have just achieved excellent results in this summer’s tawjihi examinations and are hoping to go on to higher education.