Our thanks to ANERA
For the past six years the DSMT has worked closely with US charitable organisation ANERA (American Near East Refugee Aid) who introduced us to the Dar El Tifl school and have administered the scholarship programme since its inception. They have also facilitated our project with Bardala Girls School this year (see page 4) and without their help this would have been impossible.
They have been a fantastic source of advice, information and assistance over and above the requirements of our agreement. Following a strategic review, ANERA will now be concentrating on its large projects and DSMT will administer the scholarship funds directly with Dar El Tifl. We offer our warm thanks to all the ANERA Jerusalem staff, but especially to Doris Anfous, Scholarships Coordinator whose extensive experience, persistent hard work, and real commitment to DSMT’s cause have been significant factors in establishing us as a credible organisation.
October 2011